I think that the money isn’t the most important in the life and I really think that the happiness is most that the material things. You can be happy with a united family, seeing smile to your parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. And they can smile for simply things. If you are worried for the money all the time, you are going to transmit you concern to your family. Instead if you teach that money is not everything that you need and also that you can get it in the future, may be you can enjoy more of life and see the real things that can make you happy. May be the rich people can have so much money to pay travels, buy houses and cars, but we don’t know if they are really happy, because the can have other problems or may be the concern so much of the money that don’t appreciate their friends or family members (maybe they do). But the thing is: the money it’s not everything. If we don’t have the “lucky” to have o earn the same money that the rich people, we can be happy working in something that we really enjoy. And if we are really happy with that, we don’t need so much money. We don’t have to be looking at the side, the money it’s important in this society, but the love, the family, the spiritual life, the friends are important too, and we can have it without money.
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