I love to remember my childhood, I think it was wonderful. When I was about five years, my brother was not born yet, all I wanted was a sister to play, every time that I saw children with their younger siblings begged my parents to they'll have another child. I used to play alone and wanted to share with someone my games. Eventually I had a brother, but still was very happy (thank God it was him). I felt responsible for him which was to care and teaching.
In my childhood I used to create many things with my mind and imagination, I think it was very creative, I used to imagine I was in different scenarios, with more people, whom they spoke. I also used to ask my mom to play with me, did magic, my mom read me a bedtime story or that she taught me to make cakes. Perhaps in the field of creativity and imagine things have not changed so much. I keep coming up with many things in my head, only that I no longer act like when I was five, they stay there (in my head). As a child my mom always recorded all the graces that I did, I loved to walk about in front of the camera believing me a super model.Come to think of it, spent much time enjoying playing alone, and went really well, sometimes better than when he played at school, because he could do and think whatever I wanted. To this day I still appreciate the moments of solitude, I have many friends but I think it is necessary to preserve that moment so personal.