I have had many unforgetable vacations in my life. If I have to pick one, I think it would while I went to Argentina with my dad, my mom and my brother. At that time we had more money so we traveled to Buenos Aires. My great grandmother and an aunt
live there. I did not know my great grandmother, and I did not see to my aunt for years, but we spoken by phone with both. We arrived at a hotel and one of those days were to dressed, was very exciting and beautiful, seeing the happiness in that moment, I think never forget it. Then we went with my great grandmother to Mar del Plata, a beautiful place with beautiful beaches. I met many great places. People in Argentina has always been very nice, friendly, always treated us very well. When they knew that we were Chileans got very happy and wanted to know about our ways of life, or as we called things differently from them. I never saw a frown of their part, not a bad word, contrary to what I always see here. When someone talks about the Argentines, often referred to do it in a bad way, but I'm sure that in their lives have never spoken to one. Too bad, because I met many they are good people. I would love to visit Argentina and my family there, since that time I do not see. Since 2004. I hope to go again soon.