domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

When I was a child

I love to remember my childhood, I think it was wonderful. When I was about five years, my brother was not born yet, all I wanted was a sister to play, every time that I saw children with their younger siblings begged my parents to they'll have another child. I used to play alone and wanted to share with someone my games. Eventually I had a brother, but still was very happy (thank God it was him). I felt responsible for him which was to care and teaching.
In my childhood I used to create many things with my mind and imagination, I think it was very creative, I used to imagine I was in different scenarios, with more people, whom they spoke. I also used to ask my mom to play with me, did magic, my mom read me a bedtime story or that she taught me to make cakes. Perhaps in the field of creativity and imagine things have not changed so much. I keep coming up with many things in my head, only that I no longer act like when I was five, they stay there (in my head). As a child my mom always recorded all the graces that I did, I loved to walk about in front of the camera believing me a super model.Come to think of it, spent much time enjoying playing alone, and went really well, sometimes better than when he played at school, because he could do and think whatever I wanted. To this day I still appreciate the moments of solitude, I have many friends but I think it is necessary to preserve that moment so personal.

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

The last field trip

Definitely, the last field trip to La Serena, has been the best that I ever had in my career for four years. Mainly because all that I shared with my friends and colleagues. It was a wonderful experience, we knew better and had a great time. The first day we met with two professors at the Serena, we talked all afternoon planning the city of La Serena, there we met many interesting places. We went to Fray Jorge National Park, a place that had long wanted to know, because I had heard from very small in my history classes in school. From what I had imagined and wanted so much to know. Although not think we would have to walk so far, which was very tiring. Guanaqueros went to the beach, where we share throughout the evening, enjoy the sea, swam, ate delicious empanadas, we played volleyball. The trouble was that spent a lot time on the bus and sometimes we had to sit in threes which was really uncomfortable. Finally we made a roast last night, hardly slept, we did a festival of imitations, ate a lot, sang, played instruments and danced. It was a very nice experience to complete a milestone in university life.

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

The really happiness

I think that the money isn’t the most important in the life and I really think that the happiness is most that the material things. You can be happy with a united family, seeing smile to your parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. And they can smile for simply things. If you are worried for the money all the time, you are going to transmit you concern to your family. Instead if you teach that money is not everything that you need and also that you can get it in the future, may be you can enjoy more of life and see the real things that can make you happy. May be the rich people can have so much money to pay travels, buy houses and cars, but we don’t know if they are really happy, because the can have other problems or may be the concern so much of the money that don’t appreciate their friends or family members (maybe they do). But the thing is: the money it’s not everything. If we don’t have the “lucky” to have o earn the same money that the rich people, we can be happy working in something that we really enjoy. And if we are really happy with that, we don’t need so much money. We don’t have to be looking at the side, the money it’s important in this society, but the love, the family, the spiritual life, the friends are important too, and we can have it without money.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

What's you life like these days?

In these days my life is a few busy. In the academic aspect, I have many jobs to do, a couple of paper to read and many presentation in several signatures. Monday and Tuesday are the days more exhausting. I arrived early at 8:30 AM and left the college at 7:30 PM approximately. Thursday I don’t have class, because it is the day designated to the student mobilization. In other aspect, in my personal life, I have seen many friends in this time, like school friends, neighborhood friends, and obviously college friends, with which I spend more time. I like to spend Friday afternoon with my college friends in the Pircas. In the free time I take to do things that I like as eating, reading, writing, cycling, swimming, watching TV among other things. But in the last time, I don’t have much time to do all of this, but I try. I think this year it’s very important to me, because is the last year of class in the college, to the next year I hope find a really good professional practice, and do my thesis in a really interesting topic. And of course I hope that I will have time to do my favorites activities and meet with my friends sometimes.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

La Farfana

I Live in Maipú, I live in the neighbourhood of Farfana, in the street called El Rosal. There are many facilities around my home like several supermarkets, a few pharmacies, three schools (Rousseau, Boston College, Alicante), a hardware store, dress stores, a pet shops, restaurants and hairdressers. In fact in my house there is a cyber cafe, which is attended for my mother and my father. Sometimes I help them but I don’t like very much stay there, I think it is bit boring. I think the neighbourhood is quiet, but I don’t pretend stay there all my life, I prefer de centre of Santiago, because all my family lives there, and somehow I grew up there. In the Farfana the pollution is an issue, especially because the neighborhood is located near of the Water Treatment Plant Serviden Farfana, which is the cause of terrible smells. Also in front of my street there is a vacant lot and it has been the cause of many problems for the neighbours, because there were people that wanted put a fair in this place, of course the neighbours opposed, on others occasions a Fun Fair installed there, and in the present there is a circus in this place. So are many conflicts in my neighbourhood. The transportation is good, there are four routes and the frequency is good.

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


I have had many unforgetable vacations in my life. If I have to pick one, I think it would while I went to Argentina with my dad, my mom and my brother. At that time we had more money so we traveled to Buenos Aires. My great grandmother and an aunt
live there. I did not know my great grandmother, and I did not see to my aunt for years, but we spoken by phone with both. We arrived at a hotel and one of those days were to dressed, was very exciting and beautiful, seeing the happiness in that moment, I think never forget it. Then we went with my great grandmother to Mar del Plata, a beautiful place with beautiful beaches. I met many great places. People in Argentina has always been very nice, friendly, always treated us very well. When they knew that we were Chileans got very happy and wanted to know about our ways of life, or as we called things differently from them. I never saw a frown of their part, not a bad word, contrary to what I always see here. When someone talks about the Argentines, often referred to do it in a bad way, but I'm sure that in their lives have never spoken to one. Too bad, because I met many they are good people. I would love to visit Argentina and my family there, since that time I do not see. Since 2004. I hope to go again soon.

Egypt and The Mummy

Hi all, in this free post I will talk about one of the places that I will like to visit once in my life. This is Egypt, since the school I loved history, especially ancient history (In fact, I wanted to study history and have a master's at that), but what struck me was the Egyptian culture. I think those big buildings, their lifestyle, their history, myths, gods, etc. I was blown away with excitement. How I have lived in the time. I think very related to my obsession with Egypt, I became obsessed with film The Mummy, Me and a friend talked all day of this film, that fantesie to be a librarian fan of Egypt and to wake up a mummy (yes I will like that) is one of my favorite movies, if it given two times a day I could actually see it twice or even three times a day, no lie, I've seen the movie more than 50 times, including The Mummy 1 and the Mummy 2, and I think I never tire of seeing it, although I know the dialogues by heart. Is why one of my dream is to meet Egypt, sit in the sand, look to the pyramids and I think that where people sit there for 3 thousand years ago living in civilization that I love. Once in an internet game I was told that in my past life I had lived in Egypt, I bealive it! hahaha. I will wait win the kino and maybe in that moment I will go to Egypt.
See ya!